Friday, May 13, 2016


These potato pierogi were a staple for us last summer.  They were my first freezer to pan meal.  Last summer when I was tired or forgot to thaw something for dinner, I would throw a few of these in a pan and have a quick and easy dinner.  They are time consuming to make, but they're cheap and super convenient once they are made.  I think these could also be tasty with up to half the potatoes replaced by cauliflower.  I was going to give it a try last time I made them, but the cauliflower was looking pretty sad when I went to the store.

Difficulty: Moderate
Category: Freezer to Pan

Recipe Column: AK

Get the recipe here: Quick Potato Pierogi

I make them pretty much as called for except  I don't cut the  wrappers into circles.  There's no time for that when I'm making 3 batches.  I just fold the pierogi into triangles and tuck the corners under.  I also use yukon gold potatoes instead of regular russets, and I don't peel them.

To freeze:
Place the pierogi close together but not touching on a sheet pan and freeze on the pan until solid.  Once the pierogi are frozen, transfer them to a bag or container for storage.

To serve:
Melt enough butter in a large frying pan to generously coat the bottom.  Once the butter is hot, add the frozen pierogi in a single layer.  When the pierogi are brown on the first side, flip them and brown on the second side.  Have a lid ready and add water to the pan.  Add just enough water to cover the bottom of with about 1/4 inch of water.  Be careful, adding the water will make the hot butter splatter.  Put the lid on the pan and let cook until the pierogi are cooked through and most of the liquid has evaporated, about 3-4 minutes.  Serve with sour cream or vinegar.

We sometimes eat these with grilled sausage and salad.  Sometimes we eat them with just some veggies, but mostly we have these alone when I am tired and want something easy

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